Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Men's Hut

I'm starting a new group. Not sure yet what to call it. Maybe Chinchillas. There's a motorcycle group called Hamsters, so why not a social group for men named Chinchillas? This could be our logo -

Not too menacing. But not too cute either. Or maybe it will just be "The Men's Hut," because it will be similar to, but a modern version of those ancient tribal gathering places. To borrow from The Men's Group Manual by Clyde Henry, the purpose is to "provide a place of kinship, where a man is not his occupation, his income, his athletic prowess, or his achievements. A place where he can remove his armor, lift the mask, and simply be a man." 
It goes on to say, "A man needs a network of 6 - 10 close friends that he meets with frequently for support, advice, and to share his life. While central to society for thousands of years, our current culture fails to back or even recognize this vital bond." 
I strongly believe there is a need for this type of group. I sure would like to be a part of one. Most of those whom I would consider to be my best friends, the ones that live nearest to me anyway, are women. And that's fine. I appreciate them and our friendships. But sometimes it would be nice to talk to another man about issues pertaining specifically to men. It may be more important now in these contemporary times because of the elevated level of political correctness and heightened sensitivity to interpersonal relationships.

I've already written a mission statement:
Provide a forum for men of all ages, interests and backgrounds to have honest and open discussion in a social setting with no fear of judgement.

The group will initially limited to a maximum of 8 men. That number may be expanded later upon agreement of all current members. Rules and guidelines will be simple.
1. Confidentiality must be respected. 
2. No topics should be excluded. However, discussion and comments regarding politics are highly discouraged. Discussion and comments regarding spiritual life, what it's like to be a man in today's cultural environment, and how we deal with our emotions and challenges of every day life are highly encouraged.
3. No soliciting. This is not a networking group or a means to further business activities.
4. Meetings will be held monthly at a regularly scheduled time and convenient location.
5. Meetings will be 60 - 90 minutes in length.
Additional guidelines or formal rules may be enacted as the group evolves.

As of this writing I have one other who has committed to becoming a member. We are looking for a minimum of 4 more to get started. If you see some value and potential benefit to joining please reach out to me. Or if you know someone who might be interested in becoming a charter member, please pass this on to them. My contact information is in the "About" section of my Facebook profile and in my blog profile. 

This is not anti-women. I want to be perfectly clear about that. I love women...my wife first and most of all, as well as my women friends. I value those friendships deeply. I just think that sometimes it would be great to get together with a few other guys...not to watch the game, but to talk. I mean really talk. About things that don't usually come up around the card table or at the bar. I envision a place where we can share our lives and be witness to our brothers. Where our stories are told and where we find rest, support and kinship. Maybe this group can in some way return us to the hut. 

Roger O'Dea     1/1/2019