Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Happy Birthday To Me. I Quit.

Today is my birthday. I am 65 years old. I've had a plan for several years to retire when I turn 65. Looks like it was a good plan, my last day at work is December 31st. I've been working steady part-time or full-time since I was 13. The past 29 years have been in my current position. But now it's time to turn in my name tag and pen. Well, my name tag anyway. I kind of like the pen so I think I'll keep that.

Kris will keep on working for now so I need to find things to do on my own. That has never been a problem for me before so I'm sure I can stay busy. I'd like to sail around the world, camp out in the forests of Oregon until I find Bigfoot, and ride my motorcycle to South America. I'd like to do those things, but I don't have a boat, the forests can be cold and damp for extended periods in Oregon, and I'm a little concerned about that stretch through El Salvador. What I am going to do is teach a community education class, start a podcast, and take a lot of pictures. I will also continue to do the advertising for the dealership. I'm happy about that. I enjoy doing it and I like the media reps I work with. I might become a temporary census worker and I've applied to be a part-time outdoor tour guide in the Black Hills and Badlands. I hope that happens. 
I will miss my co-workers. Some more than others. But it's time to move on. There is still so much I want to do while I am still able.  Maybe Jack Kerouac said it best....

“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.”  

So that's what I intend to do ... go climb that goddamn mountain. Hopefully I will run into some of you up there.

Roger O'Dea     12/18/2019

1 comment:

  1. You deserve retirement and I hope you get to do all the things you want
