Saturday, March 14, 2020

Hoarders and Hypocrites - A Sign of the Times

Some of you won't like this because it's about you. Others will nod their heads in agreement. And still others won't pay any mind at all. So whatever the case may be - here goes.
I've been trying to approach this COVID-19 situation with cautious optimism and in an intelligent, thoughtful manner. It's been hard. In addition to the overload of misinformation out there, social media has heaped an unbelievable amount of influence on people who seem to be poorly equipped to make rational decisions. You know, the ones who overreact to a threat whether it's real, perceived or obvious nonsense. I'm not talking about taking the current pandemic lightly. I'm talking about those who are so completely susceptible to every contrived internet scheme that pops up whenever the slightest disruption of their normal day to day life occurs.
The best example currently? You got it - hoarding toilet paper. It would be laughable if it wasn't so disturbing. There are families and individuals, including seniors, out there who are actually low on supplies or completely out with no way to acquire more. This in contrast to others who have plenty and still wait in line at the store while the truck is unloading to make sure they get more. How did this get started? And why is it continuing to such extremes? I really don't get it.
Now here comes the worst part...some of the same people who are posting and commenting publicly about how we should remain calm, act responsibly and be willing to help others less fortunate who may be negatively affected financially are also the ones carrying toilet paper and other personal hygiene products out of the stores by the cartful. I know this to be true in some cases. I've seen it. You are the ones contributing to the mass hysteria and causing problems for others you say need our help in times like these. That's evil. And if it's you - stop it! How about we all walk the walk? Act responsibly. Share. Do the right thing.
And heed the advice of Hoppy Quick (look him up on Facebook) : 

My advice for people as the world begins to shut down around us
Look for those things at home you wanted to do but didn't have the time
Start your seeds
Think ahead to your garden or creating one
If you don't have a yard get pots or anything you can hold dirt...grow food
It will make you feel better
Fishing season is coming
Avoid people but don't avoid water or the woods
Nature is good medicine
Optimism is your friend
Always be optimistic
Money will be tight but it doesn't mean you can't do things
A good time of year to clean your house and property
If the world is forcing you into isolation
Embrace it
Quarantine doesn't have to be scary

There will always be that pessimist
You know the one
When you say its a beautiful day
They say "but its gonna rain later"
we are all dealing with the same pandemic
Let your positive outlook help get you through
And others
Don't get caught in panic
Just breathe
By no means does my optimism mean I dont care
I just believe in the magic of good intention
Support each other with positive vibes
I wish you all good health


Makes sense to me. And for my part I'm keeping with my usual routine, such as it is. I was encouraged by my daily Oracle Card draw today - The Rainmaker

The Guidebook says "The Rainmaker is the master of manifestations, who can call on the elements of nature to serve the greater good. When the power to co-create is used with integrity, great beauty and benefit flow to all. When this power is used for personal gain only, everyone suffers. When the earth is parched, the Rainmaker calls the waters from the heavens, and all that is dormant in the fields and in people's hearts springs to life again."
I'm new to it and not sure how far into this Oracle thing I am willing to go, but you must admit this is not bad guidance. No matter what your beliefs are. 

Roger O'Dea     3/14/2020

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