Sunday, June 30, 2024

Diversity Day - Pride, A Pow Wow, and Live Music

Have you ever had a day where, by the end of it, you were almost experiencing sensory overload?  I have. It was Saturday. A day filled with color, sights and sounds. It started at the Pride Festival at Memorial Park in Rapid City. I felt a little bit like an outsider, and I suppose that's what I was. But I also felt welcome. Everyone seemed friendly and happy. Probably because they were. I also met up with a good friend there, whose company I enjoy very much. Sort of like icing on the cake.


As I was leaving I noticed some brightly adorned Natives going into the Monument building next door. Curious, I walked over to see what was going on and saw a sign that read "Pow Wow" with an arrow pointing inside. So I went in. The dancers represented all ages and they were amazing. I enjoyed watching them.



On my way out of town I pulled into a nearby skate park to see if I could grab a few shots. I did a photo shoot there previously and, if I do say so myself, they turned out pretty good. Only one person skating this time so I grabbed a couple of quick snaps and headed home. It was time to get ready for the final event of the day -


The Matthews Opera House Theatre was an excellent venue for this intimate performance featuring music by Eliza Blue and Jon Bakken, reading by Eliza of select passages from her new book, and Nicholas Trandahl reading selections of his poetry. Making it even better was being able to share it all with a few special friends. More cake. More icing.

Eliza even signed a copy of her new book for me -

I'm sure she meant to write "Roger - to my BFF and biggest fan in the whole wide world!" But this is okay. Because I believe she really meant it. It was great to see her, too.

I needed a day like this. I'm happy it all happened just the way it did.

Roger O'Dea     06/30/2024


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